Welcome to Seeker!
Seeker is a gaming construct where multiple small teams of players assemble themselves to participate in events called
During a Seek each
team will be given a series of
challenges which will lead them within a defined perimeter of a town / city / area (this isn't virtual by the way - teams are physically traveling together)
. Once a challenge is completed another will be delivered. The final challenge will be to find the finish line where the
Command Center team will be managing the competition and waiting for teams to arrive. The first team to complete all challenges and arrive at the finish line ahead of all other teams will be declared the winner.
Challenges will be delivered to teams through the Seeker app and facilitated by the
Seek Master and his/her Command Center team.
got it so far?
So it breaks down like this...
A Seek Master invites multiple Team Leaders to assemble teams of players (4 - 6 players on a team). Each team will be assigned a color.
the Seek Master creates all the challenges, designates a time and place for the starting line where all teams are to report clad in that team color. The Seek Master or
someone from the Seek Master's Command Center team will be at the starting line to deliver the first challenge as well as any additional rules as they see fit.
Team Leaders are responsible for the following:
- Assemble a team of no fewer than 4 people and no more than 6
- Coordinate a team uniform (teams are to arive dressed in their team color)
- Procure a single vehicle for which all members will fit
- Procure at least one smart phone to receive and work through challenges (there is a BIG adavantage, though if most team members install the app)
Q / A
How many teams will there be?
The number of teams will vary from Seek to Seek and is set by the Seek Master. I suppose a small Seek could have as few as 2 teams while a very large one may have upwards of 20. It has been
our experience that the optimal amount lies between 5 and 10 teams
Do I have to download the app to play.
No. A team can get by with a single team member having the app. That said, history has shown it to be advantageous for teams to have multiple members using the app.
Do teams with more players have an advantage?
No. the teams with the smartest players have the advantage. While having more people thinking about a puzzle can help, it could also potentially slow you down should your
challenge call for you to make a human pyramid with all team members.
Can I become a Seek Master and create my own Seeks?
Sure can! the functionality for you to become a Seek Master is on it's way - stay tuned